I Want a coding for Read the SQl Server Log Files
Now I am Using SQL Server 2000
For Example:
Test is a database Name...
Test_Data.MDF is a Data File Name
Test_Log.LDF is a Log File Name
Now I Create a Table Name Check with Single Field
Now I want to check this Details like I run this VB Coding then Its tell me The Last Transaction of the Test database is Create a Table Name is Check
I hope You can Understand My Request...
In exact Wors I want JobHistory of Some Table...
If its Possible VB.NET than Please give me a Sample Code
Please This is very Very Urgent................Hi,
"Read the SQl Server Log Files"
-Do you want to read the logfile or some table data ?
I really did not understand you explanation. Do you want to track the created tables ? There is no log for that unless you use SQL 2k5 and DDL trigger or read the log file with a third party log viewer.
(Creating a trigger on the system tables is not an option)
HTH, Jens K. Suessmeyer.
|||Thanks for reply...
I want to Read SQL Server Log file....
like SQL Profiler Trace Operation....
Please Reply me|||The SQL Server log file will not give you specific actions taken in the database. The transaction log is different, and it does have a record of every change made in the database, but your best bet there is to purchase a third party application that parses that log. (Something along the lines of Log P.I. is probably what you're looking for.)
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